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tv   Hannity  FOX News  January 9, 2013 6:00pm-7:00pm PST

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to look like justin bieber? okay? grooming tips, all rolled into the factor. that's it for us tonight. please check out the site which is different from and my predictions in 2013 and the political world. and spout out tonight, and the final word of the day, not being stultifying. write to the factor. once again, let me know, who your number one choice is as a dinner companion and why. why is very important. and tomorrow night we'll read a bunch of those, read them in the tip of the day segment tomorrow and have plenty of time for them. okay? thanks for watching us tonight. i'm bill o'reilly, please remember that the spin stops here and we're definitely
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looking out for you. >> and welcome to "hannity," and tonight at this very hour, president barack obama is considering taking executive action aimed at limiting your second amendment rights. this bombshell came from the vice-president earlier today during a meeting with his gun control task force. let's start and take a look at this. >> we're here today to deal with the-- requires urgent action, and the president and i are determined to take action. this is not an exercise in photo opportunities or ask you all what your opinions are. we are -- we are mightily interested in what you have to say. we're reaching out to all, all parties on whatever side of this debate falls.
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but the president is going to act or executive order be, executive action can be taken, we haven't decided what yet, but we're compiling it all with the help of the attorney general and all the rest of the cabinet members, as well as legislative action we believe is required. >> sean: did you hear that? let me repeat what the vice-president just said, quote, the president is going to act through executive orders. what exactly does that mean? it means our imperial president is weighing possible changes to gun laws and regulations without seeking the approval of the congress. in other words, it means that he intends to unilaterally alter the constitutional rights of you, law abiding citizens, without consulting the legislative branch. now, if i didn't know anybody i think i'd be reporting on a story from cuba, venezuela, iran, north korea, russia. unfortunately, this is taking place right here in obama's america. for example, nancy pelosi, and the democrats have been urging the president to bypass the constitution, article 1,
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section 7. urging the president to use the 14th amendment to raise the debt ceiling and only today did the white house spokesman jay carney seem to back off that unconstitutional idea, but with this group, who knows? obama is increasingly relying on executive orders to bypass congressional authority, now, this is what he refers to as the, we can't wait initiative or as i call it get the republicans the hell out of the way initiative. he's been using this for infrastructure projects and policies, and made several recess appointments while the senate was officially still in session. no president has attempted that power grab and halted deportation of illegal immigrants and adoptions of the dream act though he failed to pass it through congress and unilaterally changed welfare requirements without submitting them to congress for review. even the office said he should have consulted congress in that case. what you're witnessing is an
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out of control, arrogant, unconstitutional power grab. here to talk about the legality of all this have and discussion what options the president may be weighing, especially when it comes to the seconds amendment and gun control, from the american center for law and justice, kay seculo and lanny davis. them welcome back to "hannity." >> weem, chief justice "hannity" to you. >> i didn't know you were a lawyer as a supreme court justice-- >> you don't have to be a lawyer to be a supreme court justice. >> sean: and both making oral arguments on some topic, i'll rule in jay's favor on. this is no joking matter when we have a president of the united states using executive order, bypassing congress, to get done what he cannot get done through the legislative process. that is a problem, lannie, a big problem. >> well, it could be illegal and if so, it should be
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challenged and taken to the courts. the republicans have not been bashful about doing that. you remember that the affordable care act otherwise known by some republicans as obamacare taken to the supreme court. >> barely made it. >> i don't know if there's anything illegal. sometimes executive orders are within the overall authority of a president, some are not. so it should be be challenged. i don't favor a president acting illegal, that's what the courts are for, mr. hannity. >> sean: i think that the president sworn who uphold the constitution, using the 14th amendment to raise the debt ceiling, clear article 1, section 7 the second amendment could not be more clear and we've laid out what our founders and framers said about it last night so the president has a responsibility himself, but he wants to push the envelope. your reaction? >> well, look, i mean we shouldn't be surprised, the president said as much before when he was running for reelection. he says if congress isn't going to move, he's going to move. let's take a look with regard
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to each other, no executive order that the president of the united states can issue that's going to override the second amendment of the constitution. vice-president biden can make platitude statements or saying what he wants about executive orders and action. the second amendment snot going to be overridden by the president of the united states. if they try that, that should be challenged and would be challenged successfully, but there's a connection, sean, between that issue and the debt issue. this idea that nancy pelosi has been advocating and others, that the president could just on his own ignore the debt ceiling limitations and incur debt. the constitution says exactly the opposite. the fact that you've got nancy pelosi and other democrats saying, this is the way we could go if we have to, shows you that this is a lot of threats and ignoring the constitutional reality of separation of the executive branch, legislative branch and-- >> mark levin, the great one says this is a post constitutional america, now taking executive power to degrees that nobody has taken
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it before without respect to president. now, let's go to videotape and warner wolf a great new york sports caster and let's listen to president obama on the issue of executive privilege and orders back in 2007. >> i think that the issue of executive power and executive privilege is one that is subject to abuse and in an obama presidency, what you will see will be a sufficient respect for law and the co-equal branches of government that i hope we don't find ourselves in a situation in which we'd be having aides being subpoenaed for what i think everybody acknowledges is some troublesome information out there. >> lanny, if the president can't get an appointment he wants and then the senate is still in session and he makes a recess appointment. nobody's ever done that before. that's advancing--
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go ahead. >> let your audience know you're frequently state ago conclusion i know you sincerely believe and others disagree with. the senate was not in session. >> sean: the session was not in recess, lanny, that's not true. >> there was a ploy used by one republican. >> sean: were they in session or not. >> no, they were not in session? were they in recess? that's not true. >> let me get to the point there's disagreement on your conclusion. >> sean: there's no conclusion. and let's jay in, were they in recess? >> absolutely not. and look, the fact of the matter is, there's he a lawsuit that's gun brought on this very issue and these were clearly controversial appointments. the president the fact that senate was not in recess and that's when he said if congress doesn't act he's going to do it on his own. and lanny is right it's being challenged and we're involved in this case and it's significant that this is a pattern we've seen throughout.
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>> can i address the second amendment and 14th amendment issues. second amendment the supreme court held is the right to own firearms. everybody on the supreme court, everyone, unanimously would say that doesn't mean you can't regulate the use of firearms, just as we already have on the books, background checks. >> and through the-- >> i'm sure you'll agree that's not violating the second amendment. as for the to the 14th amendment, i do not favor the stretch of the constitution or waging war without a declaration of war. there's a flip here, the republicans love waging war without decoration declarations as they did in iraq and afghanistan-- >> wait a minute, president bush got a-- >> that's not declaration of war. >> nowhere in the constitution does it say you must use certain words, but an authorization for force, everybody knows that means--
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>> it's not just war and-- >> that's not even disputed that president bush had authority for the engagements in afghanistan and iraq. what is-- >> i happen to think he had authority. >> you said it right. can the states, can regulations be put in place involving guns? sure, but there's a second amendment, you're right i think all justices agree that's a right that exists for individuals, but the president didn't get to set the regulations or legislation without going through the legislative branch. there's no regulation for him to base the legislation from. in other words, there's no legislation that he can then have is a regulation for. take it upon his own, the constitution doesn't allow it. >> if justice hannity doesn't get to the supreme court, i don't think the courts would uphold your views, but-- >> okay, i rule in jay's favor, case closed. >> surprise. >> sean: thank you both. it's an important debate we can't have a president, imperial presidency gaining power through executive fiat through congress and we have
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separate branches and co-equal branches. and michelle malkin is here. brent musburger called miss alabama a beautiful woman and the left wing media goes nuts. and she addresses those comments and the president's pick he wants to run the cia, and newly released tapes of john brennan will cast doubt if this is the man for the job. >> we are not waging a war about terrorism, because terrorism is about a tactic that will never be defeated any more than the tactic of war will. meet the five-passenger ford c-max hybrid. c-max says ha. c-max says wheeee. which is what you get, don't you see? cause c-max has lots more horsepower than prius v, a hybrid that c-max also bests in mpg. say hi to the all-new 47 combined mpg c-max hybrid.
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for half-price! >> men: ♪ h-o-t-w-i-r-e ♪ >> and welcome back to "hannity," shocking new video emerged of president obama's nominee he to head the cia. this should concern every single american. back in 2010, john brennan who currently serves as the white house's top counterterror advisor says that islam helped
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shape his world view. watch thfrmenis. >> i want to thank you to convey my respect for a faith that helped to is shape my world view. for man three decades had the fortune to travel the world and as part of that experience to learn about the goodness and beauty of islam. as a college student in the 1970's, i spent a summer travelling through indonesia, taking in the wonderful landscape, culture and people of java and bali. despite my long hair, my earring and my obvious american appearance, i was welcomed throughout that country in a way that is a reflection of the tremendous warmth of islamic cultures and societies. >> sean: all right. but that's not all. during that same speech, brennan also said this. >> we are not waging a war against terrorism because terrorism is but a tactic that will never be defeated any
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more than the tactic of war will. rather such thinking is a recipe he for endless conflicts. we are not at war against terror because terror is a state of mind. >> sean: that's one of the people suppose today try to keep people safe from terrorists? joining me now is the former mayor of new york, rudy guiliani and also jihad is a legitimate part of-- >> you listen to the first part. i get it, they're-- i can understand why he would be by islam and the muslim religion, the second part i don't get at all. i mean shall the fact is, all this have nonsense we're not at war against terror. they're at war against us, it's not terror, it's extremists, muslims, who are at war with us. they actually declared war on us, so i don't know how he doesn't get the fact that there's a war going on. what the heck does he think happened in libya a couple of months ago? that's part of their efforts to try to kill us, to try to destroy us. they were at war with us when
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they attacked us on september 11th. they were at war with us when they killed our ambassador a few months ago. >> sean: here is the worst part. let me play this other cut here where he talks about jihad, using a legitimate term jihad. >> jihad is holy war, jihad is is terrorism. watch this one. >> president obama sees this as a fight against jihadists, describing terrorists in this way, jihad, purify ones self, risks giving these murderers in no way deserve. >> sean: is he going to be our new cia director? >> that much of an apologist, there's a legitimate interpretation of jihad and an illegitimate interpretation of jihad. many ways to purify yourself through jihad, one is through
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holy war, dying in the name of allah. that's the way the terrorists are interpreting it, this is kind of nonsense to be trying to pars it it that way. >> sean: we know that the koran is interpreted by radicals mean and talk about infidels, jihad, holy war. >> he seems to be in denial of the fact that these people are organized, they're at war against us, they want to kill us, they want to destroy us and they have done it. they've actually killed us and are continuing to kill snus and chuck hagel, the same thing. if it wasn't so scary, and so dangerous, we've got chuck hagel going to be the new defense secretary. chuck hagel could not identify hezbollah, hamas or the iranian national guard as terrorists, he also has said, sanctions don't work, all president obama told us all during the campaign was how terrific the sanctions worked and then also told us we shouldn't attack iran. explain to me how you're going to stop them from becoming a nuclear power if you don't use
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sanctions and take the idea of a possible military attack off the table and what kind of signal sending to iran to select somebody who believes that. basically president obama is signaling them, i don't really believe in the sanctions that much and don't worry we'll never attack you. >> sean: how do you interpret this in a broader picture. we're going through the president or joe biden is talking about executive orders to advance their gun control initiative. we have nancy pelosi saying let's use the 14th amendment let's forget article 1, section 7, congress authorizes spending which was always done. what do you make of their willingness to get this aggressive. >> and during the the fiscal cliff negotiations never really putting a compromise package on the table that included realistic strong spending cuts, which could have gotten republican support if he really wanted to do something that showed he was going to kind of meet people in the middle. i think the president is flexing his muscles. i think he wants to show i'm
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in charge, i'm the boss. you deny me rights, i'm going to take hagel. and a lot of people he could have chosen, about if he makes it or not, thises going to be a wounded-- >> and why do you pick a republican? you pick out a republican it reach out to the other side of the aisle showing i'm willing to compromise. he selects a republican that gets all the republicans upset and he selects a republican that republicans in the senate in large numbers are going to oppose. it's mind-boggling. >> sean: looking for fights and i think there's some arrogance, not facing reelection and his more radical side is coming out. what advice do you have especially as relates to the debt ceiling debate coming up for republicans? i don't think they handled-- they didn't negotiate. >> have to get off taxes, we're finished with that and we shouldn't vote for more tax increases, finished with debates over taxes. the debates have to be how we reduce spending and
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republicans should pass bills. >> sean: one after another. >> reducing spending, take the risk that people get angry at us for certain special interest groups are getting upset cutting this, and a realistic picture how to reduce the deficit and dare the senate to vote for it. >> sean: and only essential areas of government get funded. shut it down until the president-- >> everyone agrees except the more radical left wingers the big problem we have is out of control spending so let's attack that problem, not politically, but in a substantive way and presenting legislation that cuts spending and balances the budget and then dare the senate to vote against it. >> sean: all right. mr. mayor, good to see you. appreciate you being with us. >> good to see you. >> sean: coming up, he was convicted of master minding the world trade center bombing and why are they making a plea for the blind sheik's release, will president obama stay
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strong, and michelle malkin is next. and a pay day for al gore's, and not going so well since he's in bed with al-jazeera, what staffers of current tv are reportedly saying, that's next. [ale announcer ] staples is the number-one office superstore ink retailer in america. now t $6 back in staples rewards for every ink cartridge you recyc when you spend $50 on hp in staples. th was easy. is a fantastic experience. 30 shrimp for $11.99. i can't imagine anything better. you're getting a ton of shrimp, and it tastes really good! [ male announcer ] hurry in to red lobster's 30 shrimp for just $11.99! choose any two of five savory shrimp selections,
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>> welcome back to "hannity." since september egyptian morsi has been calling on the u.s. to release ralphman, also known as the blind sheik, and a 9/11 truther, but an ally to america is requesting the blind sheik's release and this time he is directing his plea right to president obama, who
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has been mute on the issue. but with a trip to the u.s. and a meeting with president obama on morsi's calendar and suspicions the anointed one might cave to his new pal morsi now that the election is over, top republicans are demanding that obama speak up and stand strong against the radical leader. and now syndicated columnist, author, fox news contributor, michelle malkin. he's got blood on his hand, he's a murderer, a terrorist, a killer. >> yes. >> sean: we're giving this 9/11 truther who is at war with israel a 1.5 billion taxpayers dollars and the media is silent. help me out, why. >> the media is silent on it because obama is silent on it. i find his complete silence and unwillingness to outright reject this outrageous call to release or somehow transfer the murderous blind sheik absolutely appalling. an insult to not only all the families of 9/11, but
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certainly, of course, all of the families who lost loved ones, there were six of them killed in the 1993 world trade center bombing and the thousands who were injured. we're coming up on the 20th anniversary of the 1993 world trade center bombing in february and this man, mohammed morsi, can go around publicly demanding the release or humane transfer or treatment of the blind sheik, and our commander-in-chief says nothing? i mean, this tells you everything you need to know about how much we've regressed since 9/11. >> totally agree. >> and i really, really would like to see not only more republicans joining the call to demand that obama outright say, blow it out your ear, morsi, can we translate that in arabic and tell him straight out? stop asking for it 'cause it's never going to happen. but we've had some very, very wise counseling, warning from
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the former prosecutor who cut abdel-rahman behind cars, our friend andrew mccarthy. >> that's right. back in september warned, we can't believe any of the denials that are coming out from the underlings of this administration that this would never happen. >> sean: here is though, where it gets worse. american taxpayers, everybody watching this show right now needs to understand 1.5 billion american dollars are going to egypt, going to the muslim brotherhood guy, 9/11 truther, and let me play you this tape we played on the program last week, liston what he says about our friends the israelis, that they're blood-suckers, descendents of apes and pigs. watch this. >> (inaudible)
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>> all right. you're benjamin netanyahu and you hear that, said in 2010. you see your closest ally, america give them 1.5 billion dollars and cream and a cherry on top and obama appointing hagel and brennan. what is your reaction if you're the prime minister of israel? >> well, i'm sure that benjamin netanyahu's jaw has dropped to the floor so many times that it's black and blue there. and it's not just israel that should be worried, of course, it's every american here at home who worries about national security.
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it's about every american family that has a relative who's a soldier trying to fight jihad overseas while we're subsidizing the terror coddlers and by the way, might i add, rolling out the welcome mat, not only for morsi, but so many of these muslim brotherhood and other terror front groups who are getting in the front door. i have reported on talil who has muslim brotherhood ties and there have been dozens scores, allowed, including an official, that's a terror group of which rahman is a spiritual leader of, got a visa granted by the state department in june and walked into the white house and talked to at least one national security advisor about what? guess what? the possible release of omar abdel-rahman, we need to wake up in this country and stop hitting that snooze button
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that keeps being hit so many times after 9/11. >> sean: well said. michelle malkin. thanks so much for being with us. all is not well at al gore's al-jazeera, rumor has it his staff are furious some said to have walked out and al gore is refusing to even sit down with al-jazeera's executives. is he a hypocrite? we'll get to the bottom of it. log on to our special companion site, hannity live and topics covered each and every night. hannity live and also, miss alabama and the alabama quarterback, controversy, coming up straight ahead. but i'm still "stubbed" up. [ male announcer ] truth is, nyquil doesn't unstuff your nose. what? [ male announcer ] it doesn't have a decongestant. no way. [ male announcer ] sorry. alka-seltzer plus fights your worst cold symptoms plus has a fast acting decongestant to relieve your stuffy nose. [ sighs ] thanks! [ male announcer ] you're welcome. that's the cold truth! [ male announcer ] alka-seltzer plus. ♪ oh what a relief it is! ♪
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i got my first prescription free. call or click tolearn more. [ male announcer ] if you can't afrd your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. >> all right. a week since al gore sold his tv sayings to al-jazeera. the global warming guru is already failing to show up for meeting and still shell-shocked staff is outraged. not surprised. according, one staffer said of course al didn't show up. he has no credibility. he's supposed to be the face of clean energy and sold to the very big oil, amir of qatar and they never took advising and al gore that b-ser, may not get away with the hypocrisy of doing business with them at all. and monica crowley. manhattan institute. and judith miller.
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can we say get it off the table, she's a gulf stream, lear jet, phony hypocrite. is anybody more phony than this guy? >> and-- >> he's such a phony, this g guy. >> what's amazing, the true believer over at current tv idealist idealistic, that he'd go down there. al gore has a reputation for many years being hypocritical in the words of his staffer, b-ser, and into hlear jet from the limousine. >> capitalism, never has anyone made so much money on a failing enterprise. no viewers, but managed to make between 70 and 100 million dollars. >> is it fair to say, someone said that this is dirty oil money, to quote the environmental lunatics. >> well, perhaps it will be cleaner oil money now that
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it's going to be current tv. >> look, al gore. >> sean: al-jazeera. >> al-jazeera america is going to be very different from anything we've seen before they're clearly making a bid for the american-- >> they're going to call terrorists martyrs? >> not anymore. they used to. in fact, i called them on it on the air. >> sean: so wait a minute, they used to call terrorists martyrs. >> right. >> sean: and now for maybe political correctness reasons that we should believe that this is real? >> al-jazeera, which is the favorite media home of the islamists across the middle wor this is going to be the place that al gore has sold current tv to. remember, glenn beck tried to approach current tv to buy it and they found them ideologically unacceptable, but al-jazeera, the home of the islamists, that's fine. >> i think that al-jazeera has transformed broadcasting in the arab world. i can remember when an arab broadcasting network was a bunch of rulers standing there reading a speech to its
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people. al-jazeera has changed the politics. region, in some ways good and in some ways bad. >> sean: how long ago were they calling terrorists martyrs? >> well, let's see, it was before 9/11. >> sean: okay, so, we're supposed to believe that they really changed? they were the voice of bin laden and al-qaeda, where the tapes always went? >> look, the issue is what is the evolution? are they better than they were and do they present-- >> they're not terrorist sympathizers anymore so that's a step up? >> they are sympathetic with the people they believe are oppressed, whether they're oppressed by arab rulers, oppressed by israelis. >> sean: but it's the same owners that allowed terrorists to be called martyrs, why do i believe if they've changed it's only-- >> they haven't changed, they've only gotten smarter. they've gotten smarter in terms of packaging and branding and attract more bees with honey than vinegar, of course they're not going down that road anymore. they want credibility in the west and now, selling to al gore, they're hoping to get it. >> sean: now what's infuriating about this, we are the saudi arabia of natural
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gas and i keep talking about saving america. if we wanted to get out of our economic problems and stop this generational theft, single best thing we could do is become energy independent, we can frack and we could have, get all of the natural gas, all this have oil, it will pay off our debt, our deficits and we'll give our kids a future. why don't we do that? >> we have been talking about energy independence, sean, as long as i can remember and democratic and republican presidents haven't wanted to go there. it's too ease toy buy oil from the middle east, that's exactly what we've done and we've had a foreign policy. >> sean: why do i think the the people in the middle east think we're stupid? no, if i'm sitting there and they are he' paying me all this money and i'm a billionaire, a trillion-- thinking america has more gas energy resources than we do and they're buying from us. >> right, in many cases so many of these regimes in the middle east, to whom we give all of this money, by purchasing oil, turn that money around and support for terrorism. it's a vicious cycle.
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in the past, judy, that's been true, so many administrations decided it's been in america's interest to deal with these odious regimes. the difference now, we do have the shale gas and technology to get natural gas out of the ground. we're sitting on a ton of it, sean. the whole geopolitical dynamics can change in the world and united states can be energy independence and efficient. and one thing i'll add to that. jobs, you could wipe out the unemployment in this country by fracking. >> sean: and energy independence helps our national security. we don't have to depend on the political instability in the middle east. good to see you both, happy new year. >> happy new year. >> sean: all right. if you care about your children, if you care about them, coming up, i have a shocking statistic that really would put the state of things in america about our kids into perspective. one in four kids in america on food stamps, that's 20 million american children needing government food assistance.
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time to save america from the policies of president obama. we have the details coming up. she caught the eyes of viewers and one complimentary espn announcer and he had to apologize and they're up in arms. how did she respond to the comments of brent musburger next. just use your maxperks card and get a case of x-9 paper for only 1-cent after maxperks rewards. find thousands of big deals now... officemax. with thermacare heatwraps. thermacare works differently. it's the only wrap with patented heat cells that penetrate deep to relax, soothe, and unlock tight muscles. for up to 16 hours of relief, try thermacare. to help protect your eye health as you age... would you take it? well, there is. [ male announcer ] it's called ocuvite. a vitamin totally dedicated to your eyes, from the eye care experts at bausch + lomb. as you age, eyes can lose vital nutrients.
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>> welcome back to "hannity." time for this country to wake up. you hear me talking about saving america, this isn't
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about us, this is about our kids and grandkids and here is why. based on the latest data released from the department of agriculture, this is really sad for america, almost 20 million children are on food stamps right now in this country. now, that's nearly half of all the participants in the program. here is what's more startling. as our friends at the daily caller point out, under the the obama administration, one out of four are on food stamps. and joining us, good to see you both. >> happy new year, sean. >> sean: you know, male, we have as have-- michael, we have never made it so that kids are born with $100,000 in debt and then, that doesn't even include entitlements, unfunded liabilities. we've never done this to our kids where one in four are on food stamps. you know, i say to cut one penny out of every dollar in
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the budget and people say we can't do that. why can't we live within our means? why is there no moral imperative to do that? >> i think that most people would say that food stamps is a good program, it works, it helps people survive in tough economic times, but we also have to keep in mind this spike actually occurred in 2008 when president bush was in-- >> i know you don't like to hear, but that's what the statistics say. >> sean: and four years and-- >> obviously the recession he inherited is still causing a problem with job creation, causing folks to be on food stamps. >> i am banning blaming bush on this program. >> when you start two wars unnecessarily, that's what happens. and the budgets-- >> eric rush, nobody gave us 6 trillion dollars in debt, and the fiscal cliff gives us 4 trillion dollars more in debt. the thing is, we've never done this before. why is there not the moral will to stop this? >> well, i think that there's not the moral will to stop it
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because you've got a lot of, you know, people in both parties who are addicted to the pork, addicted to the money, addicted to the power, but, you know, i think that we're dropping the ball if we don't look at this in the context of obama's political agenda, his political history, his political leanings. you know? this is a guy whose agenda is steeped in marxism, plain and simple. in the short-term having people on the dole, as it were, fosters dependency which the democratic party historically has sort of enjoyed, but then in the long-term obama has had this disdain for america's prosperity and their colonialism, imperialism, the worst thing you could do to rich people is turn them into poor people. he's not going to do anything to ameliorate the economic suffering of average americans because this is something that is helping to coalesce that
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sort of socialist that he's building. >> sean: michael, by the way, i support food stamps, no child in america should go hungry in sean hannity's america. none, we're too rich a country for that to happen. >> i think everyone would agree. >> sean: isn't it better to have a job? isn't it better to have an opportunity and isn't this where obama has failed? if we've added 20 million people to food stamps since he's he president. >> i think most people would agree with your premise, too many people on food stamps and great in one day the food stamp program was eliminated. but in the current economic times i know you hate when i say inherited by this administration. >> sean: banning this, you can't blame bush anymore, stop. >> this is when the spike occurred. >> sean: what can we do next? >> but i think your you're right, jobs will fix a lot of these issues because then folks can-- >> this president is the know creating any, he keeps bashing -- he keeps saying that the problem is, the rich got to pay their fair share, he got
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his tax increase, the next day he says the rich have to pay more, why not cut spending. >> this fight related to your friends in the tea party, folks trying to cut a lot of the funds that would help states provide food stamps and safety net programs for folks in jurisdictions around the country. >> sean: that's not true. >> it is true. >> sean: sean hannity's plan-- >> they want to cut social service programs that would hurt our least fortunate americans. >> sean: i know this would sound radical when they cut money in washington, they don't cut money, they cut the rate of increase. connie mack, a good friend of mine, you keep spending at this year's level, which means we're borrowing 46 cents of every dollar and cut one penny out of every dollar every year for six years, every family would have to do that. why don't they do that? >> well, you know, you can get into the semantics of costs and cuts and things like that, but you know, one of the things that i'm concerned about is you have the establishment press which does
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not report things that obama is doing that seems to be dedicated toward stultifying economic growth, whether you've got the epa trying to regulate storm water runoff or you've got the press not reporting the thousands of layoffs that are going to be occurring until after the election so that it doesn't hurt obama and regulations that are getting passed in the dead of night. i mean, there are so many things that are milltating against the economy it almost seems folly to ask him to work harder to fix it because that's not his intention. >> sean: quick last word. >> regulation and reform, i don't think that's the reason the economy is suffering. go back to the mid 2000's when president bush-- >> you're a broken record. >> those are the facts, and don't like the facts, sean, those are the facts. >> sean: we're going to say in 2016 it's bush's fault. >> maybe in 2020. >> sean: this is an obsession, you've got to get over it.
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you won reelection. >> you've got an unbelievable budget surplus and he blew it. >> sean: poor barack obama, no president had to struggle like him. i'm so sick of this. >> next time you have me on i'll probably the same thing. >> sean: i love yve anyway. personal fouls in the media, a racially charged comment leveled at rg 3 from rob parker, sports analyst. never believe what he said. why is espn-- why does brent musburger have to apologize to miss alabama, katherine webb? what does she think about his comments? we're going to play those for you next. she keeps you guessing.
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>> now, there are two controversies that continue to be the talk of the sports world. first you may remember the racially charge assault leveled at washington redskins quarterback robert griffin iii by espn analyst rob parker back in december, take a look. >> is he a brother? or is he a corn ball brother. >> what does at that mean? >> explain that. really down wi the cause,'s not one of us. he's kind of black, he's-- but he's not really like the guy you really want to hang out with. >> well, those highly offensive comments ultimately
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led to parker's suspension from espn, parker is at it again doubling down with another racially charged rant against the rookie quarterback, watch this. >> when athletes or famous entertainers or whatever push away from their people, and that's really what it's about. you saw what o.j. simpson and some other people when they say i'm not black, i'm oj. >> sean: needless to say espn announced yesterday that parker's contract is not going to be renewed and meanwhile, another espn employee is in hot water after brent musburger called alabama quarterback, aj mccarron's girlfriend, katherine webb beautiful during the children game. he the media picked up the comment and ran with it even though webb says she's not offended by it. watch this. >> i think the media has been really unfair to him. i think that if he would have said something, along the line of that we were hot or sexy or made any derrogatory
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statements like that, i think that would have been a little bit different, but the fact that he said that we are beautiful and gorgeous, i don't see why any woman wouldn't be flattered by that. >> sean: thank you. who knew calling somebody beautiful is so offensive in this p.c. world we live in. joining me now with the reaction, poker after dark, co-host of usc tonight, leann tweeden and tower dowdell is back with us. good to see you. if i said you're both beautiful, would that offend you? >> no, we're not offended. >> sean: beautiful women. i'm saying this on my 20th anniversary tonight, leann tweeden, so-- >> oh, happy anniversary. >> sean: thank you. you know, it's very hard to be married to a talk host for 20 years, i just -- you would agree. >> she's done it though. >> sean: i was watching when this happened. i saw this. i like brent musburger. if you can't say a woman is beautiful, stating the obvious. she's miss alabama for crying out loud. >> let's face it, sean, the game was a blowout.
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nobody was playing attention to the game alabama was killing notre dame. sec, they sudden have a playoff system so we could have two teams people want to watch. so they kept going to the beautiful girl and the stands. >> sean: you're killing me, i like notre dame. >> i'm sorry about that, let's face it she's a beautiful girl and everybody wants to talk about it. and the next day on the today show, we're talking to her and not aj mccarron. let's not forget, farrah fawcett dated a quarterback from the university of texas next thing you know she was a "it" girl. same thing with pam anderson, spotted in a football stadium on the jumbotron. so the world loves beautiful women and more power to her. i don't think she was offended by his statement. >> sean: i was so glad. >> who would be. >> sean: i was so happy that she stuck up for brent musburger. >> of course. >> sean: good for her. now, let's move on to the espn analyst here, corn ball brother, not really out for our cause.
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i am so tired of that and i was surprised that he wasn't fired the first time. not that i'm asking for him to be fired or want him to be fired. where is this coming from? that's what i want to know. where do you think that's coming from? >> well, i actually have a very different take on this. i disagree with the comments, i think they're completely out of line you know that, but part of that i think he was seeking attention. you don't using comments like that, especially cornball if you're not looking for attention. i think he thought he was going to get publicity, which he did. unfortunately be careful what you wish for. >> sean: rg 3 is a christian, i'd say we're brothers in christ. i mean, why is this -- it's pervasive though among some people. rg 3, not only talented, he's given so much now, one year to the nfl and i'm thinking it's so unfair for him to have to deal with that. >> well, rg 3 has been getting so much attention so if you're somebody that wants to get into that attention head wind that he's getting and get your name out there, who


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